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Without a new birth, brought about by God, even the most informed people do not receive His Word but persist in all kinds of pagan abominations.

Our computers come with factory default positions. As fallen humans our default positions concerning faith need a reset. Have yours been reset?

Our problem is not lack of knowledge but the resistance in our hearts to believe God and to love Him more than anything or anyone else.

The way to paradise is not through our own good works. Rather, it comes by grace through faith to the repentant sinner even one dying naked on a cross.

Today we read about two kings in Jerusalem. Both made offerings for sin. But one offered animals and the other offered Himself.

What a contrast in leadership: Pontius Pilate and King Solomon! But against the backdrop of these two men we can see the glory of God in a fresh way.

Does evil in yourself and in the world overwhelm you? Scripture shows us that sin can never thwart God's wisdom. He even uses sin for His glory.

Does it seem like evil rulers get away with murder while just ones are forgotten? Beware! For they will all answer to the Eternal Judge.

Does God control both what happens and when? Jesus Christ's disciple knows that God orchestrates all of life down to the minutest detail. Timing included.

Chaos is not the new normal. It has happened before and it will happen again. But there is a wisdom and guidance from God for His people.