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Christians should be inexperienced in sin, but not ignorant of what it is. Extensive experience with wickedness contributes nothing to mature thinking.

Biblical love is not a matter of mere words but expresses itself in practical ways both in what it does and what it avoids.

Wisdom and understanding which leads to the true knowledge of God and a proper fear of the Lord are keys to a blessed life. But can we attain this?

The final Psalms and the Lord's Supper prepare us for the coming grand finale of praise to God when Jesus Christ returns in all His glory for His people

Have you found a purpose for life big enough to captivate your soul to your dying breath? The Bible points the way for you!

God's word meets us in real life where we face questions that require His direction. Here we find two examples of how to deal with complex matters.

We live in a culture that shouts to us “trust yourself!” and “you can do it!” But how is that working for us? The Bible has a different perspective.

The disciple of Jesus Christ is both a product of God's workmanship and a workman in His service. Life is a path of growth in Him and service for Him.

Idol worshipers are not beyond the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ. So how should we welcome them into the fellowship of His Church?

What if Scripture seems to contradict itself? This calls for wisdom and careful study, but the result will be worth the effort. Let's get the Bible right.