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There is no place for both the true God of heaven and earth and the idols of humankind. The gospel and popular culture are on a collision course.

God’s children have special access to Him in prayer. But do you know that He delights in those who are His and who come to Him with their requests?

The Christian church spread widely and rapidly in the First Century. Do you know why? It can happen again if we follow the Apostles' example.

Final divine judgment is not a popular topic today. Might that explain why we struggle to find meaning and purpose in life?

God, who knows the hearts of all, is near to those who seek Him, even when His will for them may include trials and suffering.

Those who know the Lord God of heaven and earth have joy and peace unaffected by their outward circumstances because their confidence is in Him alone.

God is sovereign over salvation. He uses means, such as gospel preaching but also works directly opening the hearts of His own so they hear and believe.

God works in and through people who are imperfect to accomplish His purposes and plans perfectly. If you are His, He has plans to use you warts and all.

It is good and instructive to keep silence before God, to listen to His Word, and to observe His mighty acts. Today we meet some who learned this truth.

Does the biblical claim that God is our Creator to Whom we owe our lives and praise thrill you or irritate you? Stop and consider who and what we are.