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There are several correct answers to "why did Christ die?" but one very wrong answer is "so we may sin freely." Here is an important correct answer.

The prosperity gospel teaches "Believe in Jesus and you will have health and wealth." But many of us find this isn't true. What then?

Praise of God and growth in faith build on each other. Praise builds faith and faith fuels praise even when all seems lost.

God's Law and Christ's Gospel combine to change us from arrogant unbelievers to grateful disciples--people with shut mouths and believing hearts.

God blesses His people so that they shine as a light to the world and the nations come to Him in faith. But what if believers are hypocrites?

Mankind is divided into two lifestyle groups according to a basic issue of world view. Both are vividly contrasted in today’s readings. Which one is you?

Would a soldier in dire straits not flee to the banner raised by his commander? Not likely. So why do some refuse to flee to the banner of Christ's gospel?

Head knowledge and theory are necessary but when it comes to knowing God there is nothing like years of real life experience.

Not everything contagious is bad. Here we learn how confidence in the Lord in times of trial is contagious. Spread the germs.

How can you tell your faith is unshaken in a storm with sunless days and starless nights? Today's reading gives a means to test the quality of your faith.