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Do you find yourself often restless, longing for some change of life that would make you happier and more fulfilled? God has provided security for you.

Sin among God's people should not be. Sadly, it has always existed. Here we find instructions for dealing with it. Let us take heed.

There must be discipline in the church. But what attitudes must members have to submit to discipline? How should pastors and leaders administer discipline?

Public acclaim in this world is of no consequence. What matters is the state of our hearts when we stand before God in final judgment.

God gives you a role in His work of growing disciples. But do you know your identity in the spiritual harvest? Are you taking yourself too seriously?

Biblical truth runs cross grain to worldly wisdom. How often have you heard someone praised for being simple? But you can hear that in Scripture.

Divisiveness is an ugly sin, but it will not be a problem where people seek God's glory alone. True unity flows from a passion for God's exaltation.

"Wisdom is the power to see. and the inclination to choose, the best and highest goal, together with the surest means of attaining it." J.I. Packer

What should we do when we see people in need? We can't possibly respond to every worthy cause. Here is guidance that will help us help others.

Do believers in Jesus Christ who is revealed in the New Testament need to study the Old Testament? Here is clear evidence that we do.